Happy first date anniversary my love
I cannot believe it has been a whole year since I set my eyes on your gorgeous smily eyes. Since I got to experienced your beautiful aura. I can’t believe a time existed when my world and yours hadn’t met but now that I know you exist, how can I possibly not love you.
Thank you for the most memorable year yet.
You have made my little world burst in bubbles of happiness I could only have imagined, and still, the dreams were never as perfect as the moments .
You are an incredibly amazing human being, it’s no surprise that you have swept me off my feet with your depth, intensity and thoughtfulness.
Thank you, for being so selfless and generous with me, for your intentionality, for always knowing what’s best for me, for us, in moments that I couldn’t.You have been fierce and passionate, my heart, my favorite place and my safe space.
Thank you for making space for me in your heart and in your home, for the butterflies that run through my body every time I see you,
For the flowers,
For the dreams, the laughs
For the little notes
For all the things that you didn’t have to do but you did anyway.
And mostly, thank you for feeding my soul, for the fires you have lit within me and for satisfying within me the love that I craved so deeply.
I love you because it doesn’t scare me to feel the way i feel for you ,
Because when i see the loveliest of poems I think of you, and when I think of you , my heart jumps a little
Like this piece by Tyler Knott ;
Know that I love you,
that I have always loved you,
in ways that go without saying,
in seasons that tease
you to give up,
at your worst,
at my worst,
I love you,
I have never needed a reason.
Simply your existence
is reason enough.
My love
You are in this piece and every other a work of art,
The best part of my heart
You are my whole heart
Ps; My bowling skills have greatly improved .
Love, aj.